Friday, April 22, 2011

Turning 30

Yes I watched that movie. Did I like it... of course Gul looks fabulous. Come on apart from that man what else did I like... I just realized that 30 is upon me too (less than an year to go). Although it was a chick flick I could identify a lot with it. What have I done in the list of things to do:

1) Go to a high school of my choice - Check
2) Become a computer engineer - Check
3) Visit another country - Check
4) Visit another country on vacation - Check

La la la la what am I doing I hate checklists and I am just turning 30 not dying... oops gotta go am feeling hungry...

Back with an apple... like they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Speaking of doctors my health hasn't been the greatest ever. A trip to Chennai on work for a month didn't help either. Hot weather, boring food and the two Ls of my life liquor and laptop missing definitely took it's toll. Ok let's take another shot at making a list. This time of things that I am looking forward to doing in the next half (or less) of my life...

1) Getting married ... yes yes yes I am ready and not scared at all. actually looking forward to it. Now apart from my parents there is one more person whom I can trouble by being my wayward and irresponsible self... Oh ya that prospect totally thrills me. The girl I am marrying does read my blog so honey if you are reading this I love you but yes will trouble you a lot.

2) Going on a honeymoon - He he he he yes one of the many perks of getting married ;-)

3) Writing a book - I won't reveal the plot here don't worry

4) Travelling, travelling n more travelling - Love all new experiences

5) Opening a restro bar - Just remembered that i need to start saving up for that

I could go on and on so let us leave it at that for now... Now here is to a list of things that I wont (have) to do:

1) Get hair implants - Got a thick coat of hair (all over ;) don't believe me... I can prove it he he he he ) Even if I lose my hair I swear I will go for the bald with a French beard look

2) Wear attractive liengerie - Never needed it and will not if u get the flow ;-)

3) Tummy tuck - Need one but will never go for it

4) Quit my job - Whatever complains I have against them and whatever they have against me even out so I guess I am there till they get tired of me or I get tired of them :D go figure

Good now that I have broken in my new keyboard you guys are free to go. The apple has disappeared and big boys need more than an apple for lunch... Till later ppl


P.S: If you did not get the liengerie bit then don't sweat it... Ignorance is bliss.